In the world of finance and technology, two emerging concepts are gaining significant attention – Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and Digital ID. These initiatives aim to revolutionize the way we interact with money and identification systems. Led by CLA Schwab, an organization is spearheading the global push towards digitalization.

The agenda to digitalize everything is underway, with governments and financial institutions around the world exploring the implementation of CBDC and Digital ID systems. However, this shift towards a more digital future comes with potential consequences and implications for personal freedom and privacy.

It is crucial to understand the options available around the world and not assume that CBDCs and Digital IDs will inevitably control every aspect of our lives. By exploring different countries’ approaches, individuals can make informed decisions and consider alternative paths that prioritize freedom and privacy.

Throughout this blog, we will delve into the concept of CBDC and Digital ID, the organization led by CLA Schwab, the global agenda to digitalize everything, the potential consequences of this transformation, and the importance of exploring options worldwide.


CBD and digital ID development varies worldwide, with different countries taking different approaches.

Development Status of CBDCs

CBD development is in progress globally, with some countries in the forefront. For example, the United States is actively pushing for CBDC implementation, proposing new bills to regulate cryptocurrencies. On the other hand, countries like Mexico, with a cash-heavy society, may not adopt CBDCs for the next decade or more.

Push for CBDCs in the United States

The United States is a strong proponent of CBDCs, with ongoing development and proposed regulations to control cryptocurrencies. This push towards digital currencies raises concerns about personal freedom and privacy.

Cash-Heavy Societies and CBDC Adoption

Countries with cash-heavy societies, such as Mexico, are less likely to adopt CBDCs in the near future. These societies prioritize cash transactions and may resist the shift towards digital currencies.

Resistance to Digital ID in Eastern Europe

Eastern European countries, like Serbia and Romania, resist digital ID and biometric tracking. These countries prioritize individual freedom and privacy, having experienced oppressive regimes in the past.

Differences in CBDC Progress within the European Union

The European Union is heading towards CBDC implementation, but progress varies among member countries. Germany, for example, is more inclined towards control and taxation, while countries like Spain are more cash-heavy and less focused on digital currencies.

Exploration of CBDC Status in Latin America

In Latin America, countries like Brazil, Argentina, and Chile are in different stages of CBDC development and research. These countries offer investment opportunities and potential alternatives to digital currency control.

The Situation in the Gulf Region

The Gulf region, particularly the United Arab Emirates (UAE), is moving towards CBDC implementation. The UAE has a cash-heavy society but also practices biometric control and keeps significant citizen and resident information.

Considerations for Investing and Obtaining Citizenship in Africa

Africa offers investment opportunities, but its CBDC presence is limited. Countries like Nigeria have already launched CBDCs, while others are still in development. It’s essential to research individual countries and their approach to digital currencies.

Cautionary Notes about CBDC Developments in Southeast Asia

Southeast Asian countries, like Thailand and Singapore, are heading towards CBDC implementation and biometric tracking. While these countries offer certain freedoms and investment opportunities, caution is advised due to potential future control and restrictions.


When it comes to escaping the potential control of CBDCs and digital IDs, exploring different countries can offer alternative paths that prioritize freedom and privacy. Here are some options to consider:

Advantages of Mexico as a Free Country with a Cash-Heavy Society

Mexico, with its cash-heavy society, may not adopt CBDCs for the next decade or more. This makes it an attractive option for individuals seeking personal financial freedom and minimal government control. Mexico offers a relatively hands-off approach to taxation and less scrutiny on individuals and their finances.

Freedom and Possibilities in Eastern European Countries

Eastern European countries like Serbia and Romania prioritize individual freedom and privacy due to their experiences with oppressive regimes in the past. These countries resist digital ID and biometric tracking, making them appealing options for those seeking to escape potential control.

The Potential Benefits of Investing in Argentina and Brazil

Latin American countries like Argentina and Brazil offer investment opportunities and potential alternatives to digital currency control. These countries are in different stages of CBDC development and research, providing options for individuals looking to diversify their investments and escape potential financial control.

Considerations for the Gulf Region and the United Arab Emirates

The Gulf region, particularly the United Arab Emirates (UAE), is moving towards CBDC implementation. However, the UAE also practices biometric control and keeps significant citizen and resident information. While the UAE offers certain freedoms and investment opportunities, caution is advised due to potential future control and restrictions.

Exploring Opportunities and Risks in Africa

Africa presents both investment opportunities and limited presence of CBDCs. While countries like Nigeria have already launched CBDCs, others are still in development. It’s essential to research individual countries and their approach to digital currencies to find potential havens for financial freedom.

Important Factors to Consider in Southeast Asian Countries

Southeast Asian countries like Thailand and Singapore are heading towards CBDC implementation and biometric tracking. While these countries offer certain freedoms and investment opportunities, it’s crucial to be cautious due to the potential for future control and restrictions.


Is it possible to escape CBDC and digital ID?

Yes, it is possible to escape CBDC and digital ID by exploring countries that prioritize personal freedom and privacy. Countries like Mexico, Eastern European countries, and some countries in Africa and South America have a cash-heavy society and resist the implementation of CBDCs and digital IDs.

How can residency or citizenship in specific countries help?

Residency or citizenship in specific countries can provide individuals with alternative paths that prioritize freedom and privacy. Countries like Mexico, Serbia, Romania, Argentina, and Brazil offer advantages such as minimal government control, individual freedom, and potential alternatives to digital currency control.

What are the risks and benefits of investing in different regions?

Investing in different regions carries both risks and benefits. Countries that resist CBDCs and digital IDs may offer financial freedom and minimal government control, but they may also have other challenges such as internal issues or limited infrastructure. It is essential to research individual countries and their approach to digital currencies.

What factors should be considered when choosing a country for freedom?

When choosing a country for freedom, factors such as the country’s stance on CBDCs and digital IDs, individual freedom and privacy rights, taxation policies, and the overall political and economic climate should be considered. It is important to prioritize countries that align with personal values and offer a favorable environment for financial independence.

How can individuals protect their privacy and financial independence?

Individuals can protect their privacy and financial independence by being mindful of the countries they reside in or obtain citizenship. Choosing countries that prioritize personal freedom, have a cash-heavy society, and resist CBDCs and digital IDs can help protect privacy and financial independence. Additionally, diversifying investments and being cautious of potential future control and restrictions can contribute to maintaining financial independence.



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