BITGET : $200,000 TO SHARE
Bitget allows you to Spin and raffle to grab a share of 200,000 USDT!
Maximize Your Chances to Win with Multiple Deposits
Here are the detailed terms and conditions for your reference:
- Eligibility: To participate in this exciting promotion, users must complete their registration by clicking the "Register Now" button.
- Prize Allocation: Prizes will be awarded through a random raffle selection process. Within 15 working days following the conclusion of the promotion, the prizes will be distribute directly to the accounts of participating users.
- Flexibility in Rule Adjustments: Bitget understands that market conditions can change rapidly, and unforeseen circumstances can arise. As such, we reserve the right to adjust or modify the rules of the promotion at any time. This might be necessary in response to evolving market dynamics, potential fraud risks, or other compelling reasons.
- Fair Play: Bitget commits to maintaining a fair and transparent trading environment. To ensure fairness, we have the right to disqualify certain types of trades. These include wash trades, self-dealing trades, trades from bulk-registered accounts, or any accounts that exhibit characteristics indicative of market manipulation. We do this to uphold the integrity of our promotions and to protect the interests of all our users.
By adhering to these rules and guidelines, you can enhance your chances of success while enjoying a level playing field on Bitget. Good luck, and may the best traders win!
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