In this blog, we will explore the topic of free crypto apps that can help you make money. We will discuss the keyphrase "FREE CRYPTO APPS THAT MAKE YOU MONEY" and provide an overview of the transcript. Finding free crypto apps is important for those looking to enter the world of cryptocurrency without investing a significant amount of money. These apps allow users to earn rewards or tokens by completing various tasks or activities. In this section, we will provide an introduction to the blog topic, explain the keyphrase, give an overview of the transcript, and discuss the importance of finding these free crypto apps.

Natix: Drive and Earn App

The Natix app is a drive and earn app that allows users to earn money by completing various tasks while driving. It is a convenient way to make money without having to invest in any hardware. Users can simply use their smartphones and the Natix app to start earning.

Some of the features of the Natix app include:

  • Using the phone's camera to capture geospatial data
  • Recognition of cars, stop signs, and traffic lights
  • Earning points for driving and actively detecting
  • Redeeming points for various rewards, including native crypto tokens

To earn money with the app, users need to download it onto their smartphones and place their phones on their dashboards while driving. The app will recognize cars, stop signs, and traffic lights, and users will earn points for this activity. These points can be redeemed for rewards, including the native crypto token NTXT.

Currently, the Natix app does not have a token on the open market. However, the company plans to launch the token in late Q1 or early Q2. This means that users who earn points with the app will have early access to the token before it becomes available to the public.

To earn money, users place their phones on their dashboards while driving. The app will recognize cars, stop signs, and traffic lights, and users will earn points for this activity.

One way to maximize earnings with the Natix app is through the referral system. Users can generate their own referral codes and share them with friends and family. When new users sign up using these codes, both the referrer and the new user will receive bonus points or tokens, depending on the app's reward system.

Early access to tokens is important because it allows users to take advantage of potential price increases once the token is listed on the open market. By earning tokens before they are widely available, users can potentially benefit from their future value.

In conclusion, the Natix drive and earn app offers users an opportunity to earn money by completing tasks while driving. The app's features, such as capturing geospatial data and recognizing traffic elements, make it an engaging and convenient way to earn rewards. Early access to tokens and a referral system provide additional incentives for users to maximize their earnings.

StellarFi: Personal Finance Tool

In this section, we will introduce StellarFi as a personal finance tool and discuss its benefits. StellarFi is a powerful tool designed to help individuals manage their personal finances effectively. With its user-friendly interface and comprehensive features, StellarFi makes it easy for users to track their income, expenses, and savings.

One of the key advantages of using StellarFi is its ability to help build and improve your credit score. By connecting your financial accounts and regularly tracking your financial activity, StellarFi provides insights and recommendations on how to optimize your credit score. It analyzes your payment history, credit utilization, and other factors that affect your credit score, allowing you to make informed decisions and take actions to improve it.

Having a good credit score is essential for various reasons. Firstly, it increases your chances of getting approved for loans and credit cards with favorable terms and lower interest rates. With a good credit score, you can save money on interest payments and have more options when it comes to borrowing money.

By connecting your financial accounts and regularly tracking your financial activity, StellarFi provides insights and recommendations on how to optimize your credit score.

Secondly, a good credit score can positively impact your insurance premiums. Insurance companies often consider credit scores when determining premiums, and a higher credit score can result in lower premiums.

Lastly, a good credit score can also benefit you in other aspects of your life, such as renting an apartment or getting a job. Landlords and employers may check your credit score as part of their evaluation process, and a good credit score can give you an advantage over other applicants.

StellarFi offers different pricing plans to cater to various needs and budgets. The pricing starts at $4.99 per month, and there is also a free trial available for you to try out the tool and see how it can benefit you. To get started with StellarFi and take control of your personal finances, you can visit their official website and sign up for an account.

MOBIGO: AI Recognition for Data Collection

MOBIGO is an innovative app that utilizes AI recognition technology to collect valuable data for various purposes. With its advanced capabilities, MOBIGO allows users to contribute to safer roads and earn rewards in the process. Let's take a closer look at what MOBIGO has to offer.

Overview of MOBIGO's data collection capabilities

MOBIGO uses your smartphone's camera to capture geospatial data, including cars, stop signs, and traffic lights. By actively detecting and recognizing these elements while driving, users can help collect valuable data about road conditions and traffic patterns.

These data points are crucial for improving road safety, planning infrastructure, and preventing accidents. By using MOBIGO, users become active participants in creating a safer driving environment.

Explanation of how users can contribute to safer roads

By simply downloading the MOBIGO app and placing your phone on the dashboard while driving, you can start earning points for collecting data. As you drive and actively detect cars, stop signs, and traffic lights, you contribute to a comprehensive database that can be utilized to build safer roads.

Your contribution goes beyond just earning rewards. It helps authorities, local governments, and engineering companies make informed decisions about road improvements and traffic management. With MOBIGO, you become an essential part of the solution to creating safer roads.

Potential business opportunities for selling data

MOBIGO's vast collection of geospatial and traffic data presents exciting business opportunities. Local governments, traffic authorities, and engineering companies may be interested in purchasing this data to enhance their road planning and infrastructure projects.

As a user of MOBIGO, you play a crucial role in generating this valuable data. Your active participation not only earns you rewards but also opens up potential business opportunities for selling data and contributing to ongoing road development projects.

Description of beta version and referral code

MOBIGO is currently in its beta version, which means it is still being tested and refined. By joining the beta version, users have the opportunity to provide feedback and help shape the app's development.

With MOBIGO's referral system, users can generate their own referral codes and share them with friends and family. When new users sign up using these codes, both the referrer and the new user receive bonus points or tokens, depending on the app's reward system.

Join the MOBIGO beta version today and start collecting data, contributing to safer roads, and earning rewards. Take advantage of the referral system to increase your earnings and be part of the evolving MOBIGO community.

GRASS: Earning Rewards for Unused Internet

GRASS is a unique concept that allows users to monetize their unused internet. This innovative platform offers payments and rewards for sharing your internet connection with companies that require internet access for various purposes.

The idea behind GRASS is to create a network of residential proxies that companies can use to connect to the internet and gather data from different locations around the world. By running the GRASS app on your computer in the background, your computer becomes a residential proxy, and you earn rewards for providing this service.

How Unused Internet Can Be Monetized

GRASS works by leveraging the unused bandwidth of your internet connection. Instead of letting that bandwidth go to waste, you can put it to use and earn rewards in the process. By running the GRASS app on your computer, you allow companies to use your internet connection as a residential proxy, and they pay you for this service.

Companies that require internet access for various purposes, such as data collection, AI training, or market research, can benefit from the GRASS network. By connecting to residential proxies provided by GRASS users, these companies can gather data from different locations around the world.

Current Client Base and Potential Uses

GRASS currently has a client base consisting mainly of AI-related companies. These companies rely on the network of residential proxies provided by GRASS users to gather geospatial and traffic data for their AI models.

However, the potential uses of the GRASS network go beyond AI-related applications. Local governments, traffic authorities, and engineering companies could also benefit from the valuable data collected through the GRASS network. This data can be used for road planning, infrastructure development, and traffic management.

Benefits of Joining the Beta and Referral System

GRASS is currently in its beta version, which means you have the opportunity to join early and provide feedback to help shape the development of the app. By joining the beta, you can be among the first to experience the platform and potentially earn more rewards as it evolves.

In addition, GRASS offers a referral system that allows users to generate their own referral codes and share them with friends and family. When new users sign up using these codes, both the referrer and the new user receive bonus points or tokens, depending on the app's reward system. This referral system provides an additional way to maximize your earnings with GRASS.

Overall, GRASS offers a unique opportunity to monetize your unused internet and earn rewards in the process. By running the GRASS app on your computer, you become part of a network of residential proxies that companies can use to connect to the internet and gather valuable data. Joining the beta and participating in the referral system can further enhance your earning potential. So why let your unused internet go to waste when you can turn it into rewards with GRASS?

Silencio: Measuring Ambient Sound

The Silencio app is designed to measure ambient sound in various locations. Its purpose is to create noise maps and collect data for analysis. By using your phone's microphone, Silencio captures the sound levels in your surroundings and rewards you with noise coins for your participation.

Overview of Silencio App

The Silencio app is available on both iOS and Android devices. It uses your phone's microphone to measure the ambient sound in your environment. The app aims to build noise maps by collecting data from users all over the world.

When you download the app and start using it, you will earn noise coins for your contributions. These noise coins have not been officially launched on any marketplace yet, but by participating in the app's beta version, you have the opportunity to earn them before they become available to the public.

Explanation of Sound Data Usage

The sound data collected by Silencio is valuable for various purposes. It can be used by authorities, local governments, and engineering companies for road planning, infrastructure development, and traffic management. By contributing to Silencio, you become an active participant in creating safer roads and improving the driving environment.

The data collected by Silencio can also provide insights into noise pollution and its impact on health and well-being. Researchers and policymakers can utilize this data to develop strategies for reducing noise pollution and creating more livable environments.

Benefits of Participating in Noise Mapping

Participating in noise mapping through the Silencio app offers several benefits:

  • Contribute to the development of safer roads and infrastructure
  • Help reduce noise pollution and improve quality of life
  • Earn noise coins for your contributions
  • Gain early access to noise coins before they are listed on the open market

By participating in noise mapping, you become an active part of a global community working towards a common goal of creating a better and quieter environment.

Beta Airdrop and Referral System

Silencio is currently in its beta version and offers a referral system to incentivize users to invite others to join. By sharing your referral code with friends and family, both you and the new users will receive bonus points or tokens, depending on the reward system of the app.

Joining the beta version of Silencio allows you to provide feedback and help shape the development of the app. By participating in the beta and referring others, you can maximize your earnings and be part of the growing Silencio community.

Overall, the Silencio app provides an opportunity to contribute to noise mapping efforts, earn rewards, and make a positive impact on the environment. Download the app today and start measuring the ambient sound in your surroundings.

VERUS: Mobile Mining for Crypto

VERUS is a mobile mining app that allows users to mine for crypto directly on their smartphones. With VERUS, users can earn rewards by participating in the mining process, without needing any specialized hardware. This app opens up new opportunities for individuals to make money in the crypto space, without having to invest in expensive mining equipment.

How Mobile Mining Works

Mobile mining works by utilizing the processing power of smartphones to solve complex mathematical problems that are essential for verifying and securing cryptocurrency transactions. When users participate in mobile mining with VERUS, their smartphones become part of a distributed network that helps to maintain the integrity of the blockchain and earn rewards in return.

By running the VERUS app on their smartphones, users contribute their device's processing power to the mining network. The app uses this processing power to perform the calculations required for mining. As the user's device solves these calculations, they earn rewards in the form of the VERUS token.

Token Launch and Potential Profitability

While the VERUS token has not yet launched on the open market, the company plans to release it in the near future. This means that users who participate in mobile mining with VERUS will have the opportunity to earn tokens before they become widely available to the public. Early access to tokens can potentially lead to higher profitability if the token's value increases once it is listed on exchanges.

The profitability of mobile mining with VERUS will depend on various factors, including the mining difficulty, the value of the token, and the number of tokens earned. It's important to note that mobile mining may not be as profitable as traditional mining methods that utilize specialized hardware. However, it offers a more accessible and convenient option for individuals who want to get involved in mining without significant upfront costs.

Benefits of Staking VERUS

In addition to mobile mining, VERUS also offers users the option to stake their tokens. Staking involves holding and locking up a certain amount of tokens in a wallet to support the network's security and operations. In return for staking their tokens, users can earn additional rewards in the form of interest or more tokens.

Staking VERUS tokens provides several benefits, including:

  • Earning passive income through token rewards
  • Supporting the security and decentralization of the VERUS network
  • Participating in the governance and decision-making process of the network
  • Potential price appreciation of staked tokens

If you're interested in staking VERUS tokens and learning more about the process, you can visit the VERUS website for more information and detailed instructions.

SCALA: Low Cap Crypto with Potential

SCALA is a low-cap cryptocurrency that has the potential for significant growth in the future. In this section, we will take a closer look at SCALA and its promising features.

Overview of SCALA and its History

SCALA is a relatively new cryptocurrency that was launched in 2019. It is designed to be a privacy-focused digital currency that offers fast and secure transactions. SCALA uses the CryptoNote protocol, which ensures anonymity and privacy for its users.

Since its launch, SCALA has been steadily growing in popularity and gaining traction in the crypto community. The development team behind SCALA has been actively working on improving the cryptocurrency and implementing new features.

Explanation of its Privacy Aspects and Mobile Mining

One of the key features of SCALA is its focus on privacy. The CryptoNote protocol used by SCALA ensures that transactions are untraceable and unlinkable, providing users with a high level of privacy and anonymity.

In addition to privacy, SCALA also offers mobile mining capabilities. This means that users can mine SCALA tokens directly on their smartphones, without the need for specialized mining equipment. Mobile mining makes it more accessible for individuals to participate in the mining process and earn rewards.

Discussion about Current Market Cap and Potential Growth

Currently, SCALA has a low market capitalization, making it an attractive investment opportunity for those looking for low-cap cryptocurrencies with potential for growth. The low market cap indicates that SCALA is still in its early stages, and there is room for significant growth in the future.

As the adoption of SCALA increases and more users start using the cryptocurrency, the demand for SCALA tokens is likely to rise, leading to potential price appreciation. This presents an opportunity for investors to benefit from the future growth of SCALA.

Investing in SCALA offers several benefits:

  • Potential for significant growth and price appreciation
  • Privacy-focused cryptocurrency with secure and untraceable transactions
  • Mobile mining capabilities for easy and accessible token earning

To learn more about SCALA and its potential as a low-cap cryptocurrency, you can visit their official website for more information and updates.


In conclusion, the reviewed crypto apps offer exciting opportunities to earn money in the cryptocurrency space. These apps provide users with various ways to earn rewards or tokens by completing tasks or activities.

Here is a summary of the reviewed crypto apps:

  • Natix: Drive and Earn App - Allows users to earn money by completing tasks while driving.
  • StellarFi: Personal Finance Tool - Helps users manage their personal finances effectively and improve their credit score.
  • MOBIGO: AI Recognition for Data Collection - Allows users to contribute to safer roads by collecting valuable geospatial and traffic data.
  • GRASS: Earning Rewards for Unused Internet - Monetizes unused internet by allowing companies to use your internet connection as a residential proxy.
  • Silencio: Measuring Ambient Sound - Measures ambient sound to create noise maps and earn noise coins.
  • VERUS: Mobile Mining for Crypto - Allows users to mine for crypto directly on their smartphones and stake their tokens for additional rewards.
  • SCALA: Low Cap Crypto with Potential - A low-cap cryptocurrency with potential for significant growth, focusing on privacy and fast transactions.

Staying updated on token launches is crucial to maximize your earnings. As these apps are still in their early stages, the value of their tokens may fluctuate.

If you are interested in earning crypto with these apps, it is encouraged to try them out and participate in their respective reward systems. However, it is important to do thorough research and read the whitepapers of each app to understand their functionalities and potential risks.

Additionally, staying updated on token launches and market trends is crucial to maximize your earnings and take advantage of potential price increases. As these apps are still in their early stages, the value of their tokens may fluctuate. Therefore, it is essential to stay informed and adapt your strategies accordingly.

Remember, while these apps offer opportunities to earn money, they also come with their own risks. Investing time and effort into these apps does not guarantee financial success. It is important to approach these opportunities with a realistic mindset and only invest what you can afford to lose.


Here are some common questions and concerns about the reviewed apps:

Common questions about the reviewed apps

  • How do these apps work?
  • Can I use these apps on my smartphone?
  • Do I need to invest any money to use these apps?
  • Are these apps only available on specific platforms?
  • What kind of tasks or activities do I need to complete to earn rewards?
  • How do I redeem the rewards I earn?

Privacy concerns and options for using separate devices

If you have privacy concerns or prefer to use separate devices for these apps, you can consider using a prepaid smartphone or running the apps on a secondary device. This allows you to keep your personal information separate and protect your privacy while still earning rewards.

If you want to learn more about these apps or their respective tokens, you can visit their official websites and read their whitepapers. These resources provide more in-depth information about the apps' functionalities, token launches, and potential use cases.

Advice on tax considerations for potential earnings

If you start earning significant amounts of money through these apps, it is important to consult with a tax professional to ensure that you comply with tax regulations in your country. They can provide guidance on how to handle taxes for cryptocurrency earnings and any potential tax liabilities you may have.