The Exodus Wallet app tutorial provides step-by-step instructions on how to set up and use the mobile wallet. Whether you already have an existing wallet or want to create a new one, the tutorial covers all the necessary information. The tutorial also includes a guide on how to link a Trezor hardware wallet to the Exodus app.

Throughout the tutorial, various topics will be covered, including downloading the app, setting up a wallet, backing up the wallet using a 12-word phrase, and enabling device-specific passwords for added security. Additionally, the tutorial explains how to sync a mobile wallet with a desktop wallet using QR codes.

Having a mobile wallet is essential in today's digital world. It allows users to conveniently manage their cryptocurrencies on the go, making transactions and accessing balances anytime, anywhere. The Exodus Wallet app offers a user-friendly interface and a range of features to ensure a seamless mobile wallet experience.

Some of the benefits of using the Exodus Wallet app include the ability to create multiple wallets on the same phone, easy recovery of wallets using the 12-word seed phrase, and the option to enable a device-specific password for added security. The app also allows users to view and manage their portfolio, receive and send cryptocurrencies, and even connect their wallet to external applications using WalletConnect or Web3.


To start using the Exodus Wallet app, follow these simple steps:

  • Go to the App Store on your mobile device and search for "Exodus Wallet".
  • Download and install the official Exodus Wallet app from exodus.com.
  • Make sure you are downloading the official app to ensure the security of your cryptocurrencies.
  • For additional security, you can also verify that the app is from exodus.com.
  • If you prefer to use a desktop wallet, you can also learn about its compatibility with the mobile app on the Exodus website.
  • Once the app is installed, you will have the option to set up a new wallet or import an existing one.
  • If you already have an Exodus wallet, simply choose the "I have a wallet" option and scan the QR code or enter the 12-word phrase to restore your wallet.
  • If you are creating a new wallet, select the "Create Wallet" option and follow the on-screen instructions.

The Exodus Wallet app offers a user-friendly interface and a range of features to ensure a seamless mobile wallet experience. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced cryptocurrency user, the app provides all the necessary tools to manage your cryptocurrencies securely.


Navigating to the settings and accessing the secret recovery phrase is the first step in setting up a new wallet. This 12-word phrase is unique to each wallet and is essential for recovering the wallet in case of device loss or app access issues. It is crucial to keep the recovery phrase safe and secure to prevent unauthorized access to the wallet.

There are several options for storing the recovery phrase securely. It is recommended to write down the 12-word phrase in the correct order and keep it offline in a safe place. Some people prefer to laminate the phrase or use seed recovery devices for added protection.

For individuals managing multiple wallets on the same phone, Exodus Wallet offers a convenient feature. The app keeps a copy of the recovery phrase for each wallet created on the device, allowing easy restoration of previous wallets. However, it is important to note that this convenience can impact security. It is recommended to manage the backup history and keep it only for a limited time to minimize the risk of unauthorized access.


In order to ensure the utmost security for your Exodus Wallet mobile app, there are several measures you can take. By implementing these security features, you can have peace of mind knowing that your cryptocurrencies are protected.

Enabling a device-specific password

One way to enhance security is by enabling a device-specific password. This adds an extra layer of protection to your wallet, ensuring that only you can access it on your mobile device. By setting up a password, you can prevent unauthorized access and keep your funds secure.

Using biometric authentication (e.g., Face ID)

Another security measure you can take is utilizing biometric authentication, such as Face ID. This feature allows you to unlock your wallet using your unique facial features, adding an additional level of security. By enabling biometric authentication, you can ensure that only you can access your wallet.

Syncing the mobile wallet with a desktop wallet

Syncing your mobile wallet with a desktop wallet is a great way to enhance security. By linking the two wallets, you can have access to your funds on both devices. This provides a backup in case you lose your mobile device. Additionally, syncing allows you to manage your portfolio and transactions seamlessly across both platforms.

Restoring a wallet with a different seed phrase

In the event that you need to restore your wallet, you can use a different seed phrase. This feature allows you to recover your wallet using an alternative set of 12 words. By having multiple seed phrases, you can ensure that you always have access to your funds, even if one set of words is lost or compromised.

Deleting a specific wallet and starting fresh

If you no longer need a specific wallet or want to start fresh, you can delete it from your Exodus Wallet mobile app. This feature allows you to remove all associated data and transactions for that particular wallet. By deleting unnecessary wallets, you can declutter your app and maintain better organization.

By implementing these security measures, you can enhance the safety of your Exodus Wallet mobile app. Whether it's enabling a device-specific password, using biometric authentication, syncing with a desktop wallet, restoring with a different seed phrase, or deleting unnecessary wallets, you have the tools to keep your cryptocurrencies secure.


Managing your portfolio in the Exodus Wallet app is a breeze. Here are some key features and options to help you customize your experience.

Accessing the portfolio page in the app

To access your portfolio, simply tap on the wallet icon located in the bottom menu bar. This will take you to the portfolio page where you can view all your assets and their respective balances.

Customizing the assets displayed on the portfolio

Exodus Wallet allows you to customize which assets are displayed on your portfolio. To do this, scroll down on the portfolio page and click on the "Add more" button. From here, you can toggle on or off specific cryptocurrencies based on your preferences. This allows you to focus on the assets that matter most to you.

Adding or removing specific cryptocurrencies

If you want to add or remove a specific cryptocurrency from your portfolio, you can do so easily. In the "Add more" section mentioned above, you can explore different cryptocurrencies and toggle them on or off. This gives you full control over which assets are included in your portfolio.

Exploring the details of individual assets

If you want to dive deeper into the details of a specific asset, simply tap on the asset in your portfolio. This will take you to a dedicated page where you can view additional information such as the current value, transaction history, and more. It's a great way to stay informed about the performance of your investments.

By managing your portfolio in the Exodus Wallet app, you can easily track your cryptocurrency holdings and make informed decisions. Whether you want to customize the assets displayed, add or remove specific cryptocurrencies, or explore the details of individual assets, the app provides a user-friendly interface to ensure a seamless experience.


When it comes to receiving cryptocurrency, there are a few important steps to keep in mind. Here are some key points to consider:

Generating a wallet address for receiving cryptocurrency

To receive cryptocurrency, you'll need to generate a wallet address. This address is unique to your wallet and serves as a destination for funds. In the Exodus Wallet app, you can easily generate a wallet address for each supported cryptocurrency.

Copying the address or scanning the QR code

Once you have generated a wallet address, you can choose to either copy the address or scan the QR code associated with it. Copying the address allows you to manually enter it in another application or exchange, while scanning the QR code simplifies the process by automatically inputting the address.

Ensuring compatibility of networks for deposits

It's important to ensure that the network for the cryptocurrency you want to receive is compatible with the Exodus Wallet app. For example, if you want to receive Bitcoin, make sure you have a Bitcoin wallet address in the app. Different cryptocurrencies may operate on different networks, so double-check the network compatibility before making a deposit.

Importance of having gas tokens for transaction fees

Transaction fees, also known as gas fees, are required for processing cryptocurrency transactions. It's essential to have a sufficient amount of gas tokens in your wallet to cover these fees. Without enough gas tokens, your transaction may be delayed or fail to process. Make sure to monitor your gas token balance and keep it topped up to ensure smooth transactions.

By following these steps and keeping these considerations in mind, you can easily receive cryptocurrency into your Exodus Wallet app. Remember to always double-check the accuracy of the wallet address before initiating a transaction to prevent any loss of funds.


Accessing the send feature for a specific asset:

To send cryptocurrency from your Exodus Wallet, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the portfolio page by tapping on the wallet icon in the bottom menu bar.
  2. Choose the specific asset you want to send.
  3. Click on the send icon, typically represented by a paper airplane.

Choosing the appropriate network for sending:

When sending cryptocurrency, it is important to choose the appropriate network. Different cryptocurrencies operate on different networks, so make sure to select the correct network for the asset you are sending.

Setting the transaction amount and confirming the fee:

After selecting the asset and network, you will have the option to set the transaction amount. Enter the desired amount you want to send. Additionally, the Exodus Wallet will automatically calculate a transaction fee based on current network conditions. Confirm the fee and make sure you have sufficient funds to cover it.

Importance of having gas tokens for transaction fees:

Transaction fees, also known as gas fees, are required for processing cryptocurrency transactions. It is important to have a sufficient amount of gas tokens in your wallet to cover these fees. Without enough gas tokens, your transaction may be delayed or fail to process. Make sure to monitor your gas token balance and keep it topped up to ensure smooth transactions.


Exodus Wallet offers seamless connectivity to external applications through features like Wallet Connect and Web3. These features allow users to connect their Exodus Wallet to various decentralized applications (dApps) and explore the world of decentralized finance (DeFi).

Using Wallet Connect

Wallet Connect is a protocol that enables the seamless connection between Exodus Wallet and external applications. With Wallet Connect, users can securely interact with dApps and perform various actions, such as approving transactions or accessing decentralized exchanges (DEXs).

Exploring the Web3 Feature

Exodus Wallet also supports Web3, a technology that allows decentralized connectivity to Ethereum-based dApps. By using Web3, users can directly interact with Ethereum smart contracts and access a wide range of DeFi applications, including lending platforms, decentralized exchanges, and yield farming protocols.

Benefits of Connecting to DeFi Applications

By connecting the Exodus Wallet to DeFi applications, users can enjoy the benefits of decentralized finance. These include earning interest on cryptocurrencies through lending and staking, participating in liquidity pools to earn trading fees, and accessing a wide range of financial services without the need for intermediaries.

Furthermore, connecting to DeFi applications provides users with greater control over their funds and enhances the security of their transactions. With Exodus Wallet's seamless integration with external applications, users can easily navigate the DeFi landscape and take advantage of its numerous opportunities.


Setting up a Lightning Network wallet within Exodus is a convenient way to send and receive Bitcoin instantly and for lower fees. Here's how you can make the most of the Lightning Network in Exodus:

Setting up a Lightning Network wallet within Exodus

To set up a Lightning Network wallet within Exodus, simply navigate to the settings tab and enable the Lightning Network feature. This will create a separate wallet for Lightning Network Bitcoin transactions.

Understanding the advantages and limitations of Lightning Network

The Lightning Network offers several advantages, including instant transactions, lower fees, and scalability. However, it is important to note that Lightning Network is a layer on top of the Bitcoin blockchain and has certain limitations, such as the need to maintain an open payment channel to make transactions.

Transferring Bitcoin into the Lightning Network wallet

To transfer Bitcoin into your Lightning Network wallet, you can either withdraw Bitcoin from your main Exodus wallet or receive Bitcoin directly into the Lightning Network wallet address. Keep in mind that there may be additional fees associated with transferring Bitcoin into the Lightning Network.

Receiving and making payments with Lightning Network Bitcoin

Once you have Bitcoin in your Lightning Network wallet, you can use it to make fast and low-cost payments to other Lightning Network users. You can also receive payments from others by sharing your Lightning Network wallet address. Just like with regular Bitcoin transactions, it is important to verify the address before making or receiving payments.

By utilizing the Lightning Network within Exodus, you can take advantage of faster and more cost-effective Bitcoin transactions. Whether you're sending or receiving payments, the Lightning Network offers a seamless way to transact with Bitcoin on a second layer of the blockchain.


Linking a Trezor hardware wallet with Exodus provides enhanced security for your cryptocurrencies. By integrating your Trezor wallet with the Exodus app, you can securely store and manage your digital assets.

Importance of using a hardware wallet for enhanced security

Hardware wallets, like Trezor, offer an extra layer of security by keeping your private keys offline. This means that your keys are not exposed to potential online threats, such as hacking or phishing attacks. By using a hardware wallet, you can have peace of mind knowing that your cryptocurrencies are stored in a secure offline environment.

Viewing the Trezor wallet as a portfolio in the mobile app

With the integration of Trezor hardware wallets, you can view your wallet as a portfolio within the Exodus mobile app. This allows you to easily monitor the value and performance of your digital assets. You can also track your portfolio's balance and transactions on the go, giving you full control over your investments.

Benefits of having a hardware wallet for storing crypto

There are several benefits to using a hardware wallet for storing your cryptocurrencies. Firstly, the private keys are stored offline, making it virtually impossible for hackers to gain unauthorized access to your funds. Secondly, hardware wallets offer additional security features, such as PIN codes and passphrase encryption, to protect your assets. Lastly, hardware wallets provide a user-friendly interface and seamless integration with the Exodus app, allowing you to manage your cryptocurrencies with ease.

By integrating your Trezor hardware wallet with Exodus, you can enjoy enhanced security and peace of mind knowing that your cryptocurrencies are stored in a safe and secure offline environment.


Staking and swapping cryptocurrencies are two important features offered by Exodus Wallet. These features provide users with additional benefits and flexibility in managing their digital assets.

Exploring the staking feature for eligible cryptocurrencies

With Exodus Wallet, users have the ability to stake eligible cryptocurrencies. Staking involves holding specific cryptocurrencies in a wallet to support the operations of a blockchain network. By staking, users can actively participate in the network and contribute to its security and functionality. In return for staking, users earn rewards in the form of additional cryptocurrencies.

Benefits of staking and earning rewards

Staking offers several benefits to cryptocurrency holders. Firstly, it allows users to passively earn additional cryptocurrencies simply by holding their assets in a staking wallet. This can be a great way to grow your cryptocurrency portfolio without actively trading. Secondly, staking helps to secure the blockchain network by incentivizing users to keep their cryptocurrencies in the wallet and actively participate in network activities.

Understanding the swapping feature for exchanging cryptocurrencies

The swapping feature in Exodus Wallet allows users to exchange one cryptocurrency for another. This feature provides users with the convenience of quickly and easily diversifying their portfolio or acquiring different cryptocurrencies. Swapping eliminates the need for users to navigate through multiple exchanges and platforms, streamlining the process of exchanging cryptocurrencies.

Considerations when using third-party swapping services

While the swapping feature in Exodus Wallet is designed for convenience, it's important to note that it may involve using third-party services. Users should exercise caution when using these services and consider factors such as fees, liquidity, and security. It's recommended to compare fees and rates with reputable exchanges to ensure you're getting the best value for your swaps.

Staking and swapping cryptocurrencies are valuable features offered by Exodus Wallet. By exploring the staking feature, users can earn rewards and participate in the security of blockchain networks. The swapping feature provides a convenient way to exchange cryptocurrencies within the wallet. However, users should exercise caution when using third-party swapping services and consider factors such as fees and security.


In conclusion, the Exodus Wallet app offers a range of features and functionalities that make it a reliable and user-friendly mobile wallet. Throughout this tutorial, we covered key aspects such as setting up a new wallet, securely managing cryptocurrencies, exploring the portfolio management options, sending and receiving cryptocurrencies, connecting to external applications, using the Lightning Network, integrating a Trezor hardware wallet, and staking and swapping cryptocurrencies.

Recapping the key features and functionalities of Exodus Wallet, we learned that it allows for easy setup and restoration of wallets using a 12-word seed phrase. The app offers device-specific password protection and biometric authentication for enhanced security. It also provides the option to sync a mobile wallet with a desktop wallet for seamless portfolio management across devices.

Securely managing cryptocurrency assets is of utmost importance, and Exodus Wallet provides features like the secret recovery phrase and device-specific passwords to ensure the safety of your funds. It is essential to keep the recovery phrase offline and secure to prevent unauthorized access.

Exploring and experimenting with the Exodus Wallet app is encouraged, as it allows users to customize their portfolio, add or remove specific cryptocurrencies, and dive deeper into the details of individual assets. By managing your portfolio, you can easily track your cryptocurrency holdings and make informed decisions.

In conclusion, the Exodus Wallet app offers a user-friendly interface and a range of features to ensure a seamless mobile wallet experience. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced cryptocurrency user, the app provides all the necessary tools to manage your cryptocurrencies securely. The future updates of the Exodus Wallet app are highly anticipated, as it continues to enhance its features and functionalities to meet the evolving needs of cryptocurrency users.


Common questions about using Exodus Wallet

  • How do I set up a new wallet?
  • Can I import an existing wallet?
  • How do I link a Trezor hardware wallet to Exodus?
  • Can I use Exodus Wallet on multiple devices?
  • Is my wallet backed up?
  • How do I enable a device-specific password?
  • Can I use biometric authentication (e.g., Face ID) with Exodus Wallet?
  • How can I sync my mobile wallet with a desktop wallet?
  • What should I do if I need to restore my wallet with a different seed phrase?
  • How do I delete a specific wallet in Exodus Wallet?

Answers to frequently asked questions

  • To set up a new wallet, simply download the Exodus Wallet app and follow the on-screen instructions.
  • Yes, you can import an existing wallet by choosing the "I have a wallet" option and scanning the QR code or entering the 12-word phrase.
  • To link a Trezor hardware wallet to Exodus, download the desktop version of Exodus Wallet and follow the instructions for syncing devices.
  • Yes, you can use Exodus Wallet on multiple devices and sync your wallets for seamless management.
  • Your wallet is backed up using a 12-word seed phrase. Make sure to keep this phrase safe and secure.
  • To enable a device-specific password, go to the settings in Exodus Wallet and set up a passcode.
  • Yes, you can use biometric authentication such as Face ID for added security.
  • To sync your mobile wallet with a desktop wallet, go to the settings in Exodus Wallet and choose the sync devices option.
  • If you need to restore your wallet with a different seed phrase, go to the settings in Exodus Wallet and choose the restore wallet option.
  • To delete a specific wallet in Exodus Wallet, go to the settings and choose the delete wallet option.

Additional resources and support

For additional resources and support, you can visit the Exodus Wallet website or refer to the official documentation provided by Exodus.

Promotion of other educational materials

To learn more about cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, you can explore other educational materials such as online courses, tutorials, and books. These resources can provide in-depth knowledge and insights into the world of digital assets.