Forming a crypto strategy is of utmost importance in the ever-changing world of cryptocurrency. While it may be relatively easy to make profits in a bull market, the real challenge lies in keeping those profits and avoiding the pitfalls of market volatility. The current crypto market is filled with distractions and challenges, making it even more crucial to have a well-thought-out strategy.

One of the primary reasons for developing a crypto strategy is to protect oneself from scams. With the increasing sophistication of scams in the crypto space, it is essential to do upfront work to ensure that investments are secure and legitimate. By conducting thorough research and due diligence, investors can safeguard their funds and avoid falling victim to fraudulent schemes.

Additionally, forming a strategy allows investors to navigate the overwhelming amount of information and narratives present in the crypto market. With various technical aspects to consider, such as different niches and emerging technologies like NFTs and DeFi, it can be challenging to keep track of everything. By focusing on a few key narratives and established projects, investors can better understand the technologies and trends driving the market.

Furthermore, having a strategy helps investors manage their profits effectively. By setting benchmarks and establishing clear sell points, investors can avoid succumbing to greed and emotional decision-making. Taking profits at predetermined levels reduces the risk of missing out on gains, mitigates losses, and ensures a more disciplined approach to investing.


When developing a crypto strategy, it is important to create a thesis that outlines the key narratives and projects to focus on. This helps investors limit their focus, evaluate existing players, and assess the technology and tokenomics of chosen projects.

Limiting focus to 3 major narratives

To avoid getting overwhelmed by the multitude of narratives in the crypto market, it is advisable to limit focus to three major narratives. By doing so, investors can better understand the technologies and trends driving the market and make more informed investment decisions.

Identifying existing players in chosen narratives

Once the key narratives are chosen, it is important to identify the existing players in those narratives. This involves conducting thorough research and due diligence to ensure that the selected projects are secure and legitimate.

Evaluating technology and tokenomics of chosen projects

Investors should evaluate the technology and tokenomics of chosen projects to better understand their potential for success. This involves assessing the problem being solved, the value proposition, and whether the token directly benefits from the solution.

Considering the problem being solved and value proposition

When evaluating projects, it is crucial to consider the problem being solved and the value proposition. Investors should assess if the problem is sufficiently difficult and pervasive, and if people are struggling with it. Additionally, they should consider how the project plans to solve the problem and if the solution makes sense.

Assessing if the token directly benefits from the solution

Lastly, investors should assess if the token directly benefits from the solution. Not all tokens are designed to appreciate in value when adopted and used. Therefore, it is important to consider if the token is designed in a way that encourages value appreciation and if it aligns with the overall investment strategy.


When it comes to implementing a crypto strategy, it's crucial to have a plan in place for keeping profits. This involves establishing benchmarks for selling, making calculated decisions about when to take out principal, and preventing the loss of paper gains.

Establishing benchmarks for selling

One of the first steps in keeping profits is to set clear benchmarks for selling. This means determining specific gain percentages at which you will sell a portion of your principal. For example, if a coin reaches a 25% gain, you may decide to sell a quarter of your investment.

Selling a portion of principal at certain gain percentages

Selling a portion of your principal at certain gain percentages helps to lock in profits and mitigate risk. By taking some money off the table when your investments perform well, you can protect yourself from potential downturns in the market.

Deciding when to take out principal based on risk assessment

Another important factor in keeping profits is deciding when to take out your principal based on a risk assessment. This involves evaluating the overall market conditions, as well as the specific risks associated with the coins in your portfolio. If you determine that the risk is becoming too high, it may be wise to withdraw your initial investment.

Selling the rest of the position at a high multiple

Once you have taken out some of your principal, you can continue to hold the remaining position until the price reaches a high multiple. This allows you to capitalize on additional gains while still protecting your initial investment. It's important to set realistic expectations and not get caught up in the temptation to hold onto a coin for too long.

Preventing loss of paper gains or unrealizable gains

Lastly, keeping profits involves preventing the loss of paper gains or unrealizable gains. This can be achieved by selling at predetermined levels and not succumbing to greed or emotional decision-making. While it's natural to want to maximize gains, it's important to remember that unrealized gains are not guaranteed until they are realized through a sale.

By implementing these strategies, investors can effectively manage their profits and navigate the volatile nature of the crypto market. It's essential to stay disciplined and stick to your established plan, even in the face of market fluctuations. Remember, the goal is to protect and grow your investments over the long term.


When developing a crypto strategy, it is important to consider portfolio allocation. This involves distributing your investments across different types of cryptocurrencies to balance exposure to various narratives and risk levels. Here are some key points to consider:

Allocating a significant portion to established projects

It is advisable to allocate a significant portion of your portfolio to established projects that have proven their value over multiple market cycles. These projects have a higher likelihood of long-term success and can provide stability to your portfolio.

Including midcap projects with established value

Alongside established projects, it is beneficial to include midcap projects that have shown growth and have the potential for further appreciation. These projects offer a balance between stability and growth potential.

Allotting a smaller percentage to high-risk micro cap coins

While high-risk micro cap coins can provide significant returns, they also come with a higher level of risk. It is recommended to allocate a smaller percentage of your portfolio to these coins to mitigate the potential downside.

Balancing exposure to narrative and risk levels

When allocating your portfolio, it is important to consider both the narrative and risk levels of the cryptocurrencies you choose. Diversify your investments across different narratives to spread risk and ensure you have exposure to various market trends.

Setting benchmarks for every coin in the portfolio

For each cryptocurrency in your portfolio, set clear benchmarks for selling. Determine specific gain percentages at which you will sell a portion of your investment. This strategy helps you lock in profits and mitigate risk.


When it comes to investing in cryptocurrency, risk management is crucial. Here are some key points to consider:

Focusing on risk management and cash management

It is important to have a clear plan for managing your risks and cash flow. This involves setting benchmarks for selling and determining when to take out your principal based on a risk assessment.

Avoiding excessive exposure to high-risk coins

While high-risk coins can offer significant returns, they also come with a higher level of risk. It is advisable to allocate a smaller percentage of your portfolio to these coins to mitigate potential losses.

Preventing loss of gains by taking profits

Establishing benchmarks for selling is essential for keeping profits. By taking some money off the table when your investments perform well, you can protect yourself from potential downturns in the market.

Avoiding the trap of chasing FOMO and hype

Chasing FOMO (fear of missing out) and hype can lead to poor investment decisions. It is important to conduct thorough research and make informed decisions based on fundamentals and market trends.

Conducting thorough research before making any decisions

Before investing in any cryptocurrency, it is crucial to conduct thorough research. Consider the problem the project is solving, its value proposition, and whether the token directly benefits from the solution.

By focusing on risk management and cash management, avoiding excessive exposure to high-risk coins, taking profits, avoiding FOMO and hype, and conducting thorough research, investors can enhance their crypto strategy and protect their investments. Remember to stay disciplined and stick to your established plan, even in the face of market fluctuations.


When it comes to managing profits in the crypto market, it's important to consider tax obligations. Failing to do so can lead to financial difficulties down the line. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

Considering tax obligations when taking profits

Before taking profits, it's crucial to consider the tax implications. Depending on your jurisdiction, profits from cryptocurrency investments may be subject to capital gains tax. Be sure to research and understand the tax laws in your country.

Using crypto tax software to track obligations

Tracking your tax obligations can be challenging, especially if you have multiple investments and frequent trades. Consider using crypto tax software to help you calculate and report your taxable gains accurately. These tools can automate the process and save you time and effort.

Setting aside stable coins or fiat currency for taxes

To ensure that you can meet your tax obligations, it's a good practice to set aside a portion of your profits in stable coins or fiat currency. This way, you'll have funds readily available when it's time to pay your taxes.

Avoiding situations where tax bills can't be paid

Avoid the risk of not being able to pay your tax bills by planning ahead and setting aside funds specifically for taxes. Failing to pay your taxes can result in penalties, fines, and legal issues. It's always better to be prepared than to face financial difficulties later on.

Planning throughout the year to manage tax obligations

Managing tax obligations should be an ongoing process throughout the year, not just at tax season. Regularly review your investments, calculate your gains, and adjust your tax reserves accordingly. By staying proactive, you can ensure that you have the necessary funds when tax time comes.

By considering tax obligations when taking profits, using crypto tax software, setting aside stable coins or fiat currency for taxes, avoiding situations where tax bills can't be paid, and planning throughout the year to manage tax obligations, you can navigate the complexities of cryptocurrency taxation and ensure compliance with tax laws. Remember, it's essential to consult with a tax professional or accountant for personalized advice based on your specific situation.


When it comes to implementing a crypto strategy, utilizing data tools and notifications can be incredibly helpful in making informed decisions and staying on top of market trends. Here are some key points to consider:

Utilizing data tools for decision-making

Data tools provide valuable insights into market trends, on-chain data, and the performance of different cryptocurrencies. By utilizing these tools, investors can make more informed decisions based on reliable data and analysis.

Accessing on-chain data and paid data platforms

On-chain data can provide valuable insights into the health and activity of a particular cryptocurrency. Paid data platforms, such as Santiment and Glassnode, offer even more comprehensive data and analysis for investors looking to dive deeper into the market.

Setting notifications for price targets and gains

Setting notifications for price targets and gains can help investors stay on top of their portfolio and take action when certain thresholds are met. By receiving notifications, investors can make timely decisions and capitalize on profitable opportunities.

Tracking portfolio and prices with mobile apps

Mobile apps can be a convenient way to track portfolio performance and monitor cryptocurrency prices on the go. By using mobile apps, investors can stay updated with real-time data and make adjustments to their strategy as needed.

Ensuring wallets and security measures are in place

Before implementing a crypto strategy, it is crucial to ensure that wallets and security measures are in place. This includes setting up cold storage wallets, verifying seed phrases, and using security extensions like Wallet Watch to prevent scams and unauthorized access.

By utilizing data tools, setting notifications, tracking portfolios with mobile apps, and prioritizing wallet security, investors can enhance their decision-making process and stay informed in the dynamic world of cryptocurrency.


Executing a crypto strategy is crucial for success in the volatile crypto market. By following a well-thought-out plan, investors can protect themselves from scams, navigate market distractions, manage profits effectively, allocate their portfolio wisely, implement risk management measures, and fulfill their tax obligations.

It is important to remain focused on the strategy and avoid getting distracted by the multitude of narratives and projects in the crypto market. By limiting focus to a few major narratives and conducting thorough research, investors can make more informed investment decisions and understand the technologies driving the market.

Keeping profits requires setting clear benchmarks for selling and making calculated decisions about when to take out principal. By establishing sell points and preventing the loss of paper gains, investors can protect themselves from market downturns and maintain disciplined investing.

Portfolio allocation plays a significant role in managing risk. By allocating a portion to established projects, including midcap projects, and allotting a smaller percentage to high-risk micro cap coins, investors can balance exposure to different narratives and risk levels.

It is crucial to execute a well-thought-out crypto strategy to navigate the crypto market

Risk management is vital in the crypto market. By focusing on risk management and cash management, avoiding excessive exposure to high-risk coins, preventing the loss of gains, and conducting thorough research, investors can enhance their strategy and protect their investments.

Considering tax obligations and using crypto tax software can help investors stay compliant with tax laws and avoid financial difficulties. By setting aside stable coins or fiat currency for taxes and planning throughout the year, investors can ensure they have the necessary funds to meet their tax obligations.

Utilizing data tools and setting notifications can assist investors in making informed decisions and staying on top of market trends. By utilizing data tools, accessing on-chain data, setting notifications, and tracking portfolios with mobile apps, investors can enhance their decision-making process and stay informed in the dynamic world of cryptocurrency.

In conclusion, it is crucial to execute a well-thought-out crypto strategy to navigate the crypto market. By following the importance of executing the strategy, focusing on the plan, preparing infrastructure and security measures, seeking additional tools for risk management, and wishing success and profitability in the crypto market, investors can increase their chances of success and protect their investments.


Here are some frequently asked questions about developing a crypto strategy:

How many major narratives should I focus on?

It is recommended to limit your focus to three major narratives to avoid being overwhelmed and make more informed investment decisions.

What are the key factors to consider when evaluating a project?

When evaluating a project, consider the problem being solved, the value proposition, and if the token directly benefits from the solution.

How do I determine my benchmarks for selling?

Establish clear benchmarks for selling, such as specific gain percentages or multiples, to lock in profits and mitigate risk.

Allocate a significant portion to established projects, include midcap projects with established value, and allot a smaller percentage to high-risk micro cap coins.

How can I manage tax obligations while taking profits?

Consider tax obligations when taking profits, use crypto tax software to track obligations, and set aside stable coins or fiat currency for taxes.

What tools can I use to make informed decisions?

Utilize data tools, access on-chain data and paid data platforms, set notifications for price targets and gains, and track portfolio and prices with mobile apps.

How important is risk management in crypto?

Risk management is crucial in crypto to protect investments and prevent losses. Focus on risk management and cash management, avoid excessive exposure to high-risk coins, and prevent loss of gains by taking profits.

Should I rely on influencers for investment advice?

While influencers can provide information, it's important to conduct thorough research and make informed decisions based on fundamentals and market trends.

What precautions should I take for wallet security?

Ensure wallets and security measures are in place, including cold storage wallets, verified seed phrases, and security extensions like Wallet Watch to prevent scams and unauthorized access.